

Download package

The extension (and updates) is distributed through LCS Solution package. Here you can find standard steps that are needed to get the extension through lcs.

  1. Open Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services
  2. Open your project
  3. Open the Asset library
  1. Click the Solution package.
  1. Click the Import button. The Pick a solution package form opens. Select the Product attribute search and click the Pick button.
  1. Review Terms and conditions and click the Import button
  2. The solution appears in the Solution package form. Click the Versions button.
  1. The Select from available versions form opens. Select the latest version and click the Get version button.
  1. Go to the Software deployable package and make sure the new package appears
  1. Make the package available for all users by clicking the Copy button. The Scope is changed from Solution to Project.

Install package

The package can be installed to UAT, Prod as any other package.

For example, go to the UAT environment and click Maintain > Apply updates > select the new package > and click Apply.


All-in-one package

If you have more than one ISV then all-in-one package is required (one package with all ISV included).

Install to Dev machine

To download the Product attribute search package to your dev machine go to the LCS > Software deployable package and click the Name.

To install the package to dev environment, use the following command: AXUpdateInstaller.exe devinstall.

Install to Dev machine from a Source control (An unexpected client error has occured)

The add-on contains web client control (which is stored in htm and javascript files). These files are stored in the WebRoot\Resources folder (e.g. K:\AosService\WebRoot\Resources) which is usually not part of the source control.

When the add-on is installed via the AXUpdateInstaller.exe devinstall command then these files are created automatically.

But if you pull the add-on from the source control on a new dev machine (without an installation process) then these files are not get.

More info about the issue could be found here, first answer from Joris.

To resolve the issue, you can manually copy: